Building the national intelligence picture around vehicle finance offences and associated crime
The NaVCIS Intelligence team includes and supports our diverse subject matter experts.
Utilising our wealth of national and international contacts in industry and law enforcement, we support longer term and strategic objectives, such as:
- identifying and frustrating the routes used for disposing of stolen vehicles
- assisting proactive operations
- disseminating intelligence
- building partnerships with industry
The team
The team consists of police officers and staff who specialise in:
- organised vehicle crime
- freight crime
- agriculture and plant machinery theft
- leisure vehicles
- exportation of stolen assets
We pride ourseves on our ability to draw information directly from our many contacts, our subject matter experts within each of our teams and our overarching Investigations team.
Supporting law enforcement
The NaVCIS Intelligence team supports UK policing. We facilitate specialist vehicle tracking and are connected to UK vehicle tracking companies via points of contact in each force.
Our intelligence products are used by police and partners to identify risks and strengthen business processes to minimise crime.
Our work identifies active organised criminal gangs and is central to disrupting these groups, closing down vehicle export routes and helping bring prosecutions.
Our work involves proactive operations at UK ports; supporting national initiatives and police operations, as well as monitoring the movement of stolen vehicles with an ability to intercept and recover.
Get in touch
To find out more about our work, pleaseĀ contact us.